Monday, November 24, 2008

Glasses and Naps

Not much to update on. Hadley has finally begun to somewhat accept her rice cereal and is starting to enjoy standing on laps or counters! Can't roll over yet, though.

Also, I anticipate forced holiday photos will be coming your way soon.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Doctor Update

So when Haddy went in for her 4-month checkup, we discovered that she is a 16 1/2 pound meatloaf, her head is 16 1/2 inches around (how funny), and she's over two feet tall! 

Getting bigger...and wiggly-er...every day! 

New Pictures

I apologize if the picture quality isn't up to was taken with my phone. 
Enjoy! More coming soon.

"I'm flying!"

This was her "second" costume...she was a chef!

Big girl in her car seat :)
