Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Spring Pictures

I kept getting this face every time  I looked over at her, during computer time...she's so funny!

Dad is starting the brainwashing early!

Silly rabbit, that purse is for Sissy!

This picture says two words to me: "help" and "me!"

They both have impish little looks on their faces

Saturday, March 14, 2009

"Ready for sawing flesh..."

At least that's what Dad jokes, in regards to Hadley's brand-new teeth. She cut her very first top tooth a couple of weeks ago, the left one. Surprised the heck out of me since it was there 24 hours after I had just checked for toothage. 

Another picture from the Flagstaff escapade

This weekend Haddy, Mom and I are up for a quick jaunt to Tucson to visit Grammy and reconnect with the band entourage...Mom's high school band, that is. Wish us luck, and a fuss-free trip!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Spring Pictures

Sitting outside with mom and's chilly out!

Rudy likes to hang out with baby Hadley

Playing with Sissy in Home Depot...Mom is in the background!

Haddy loves Sissy's new fish...the cats do too!
