Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Thousand Apologies...

I know, I know! You don't even have to say it, since I can feel the disappointment rolling off of you in waves...assuming that you were disappointed, that is.

Things have been a little hectic here (to say the least) and I often forget I have an online journal of the New Baby saga to update.

First off, the rose-colored Flagstaff glasses were shattered after that first night. Hadley cried almost nonstop during the nights and seemed generally unhappy. It kind of threw her off-track even when we got home--the whole trip seemed to have unsettled her. Hard to travel with a new baby, huh?

Since then, we've had several parties attended with Haddy in tow (she always sleeps during them!), one great visit with Summer and Miss Hanna (remember them?), one memorable Snugli outing to the grocery store (I actually had to give her a bottle while she was still strapped in), and tons of smiles and laughs from the little Peanut.

One thing I've noticed, however--give me a little room for pessimism--is that Peoria is unfriendly to teenage moms. We all know that I'm not one, but seeing me pushing Hadley's stroller around, having her strapped to me marsupial-style in the Snugli, and watching me give her a bottle in public when she's decided she's had enough...well, people can only assume she's my baby.
And, let me tell you, I've had more dirty looks and pointed glances than when I was wearing that ripped-up sweatshirt that looked like it lost a fight with some barbed wire.

Anyway. Back to The Cuteness. She must weight about 12 pounds now and she's getting super-long. Her hair has stubbornly refused to continue growing! And her eyes are the same silvery-blue color. Aren't they supposed to be pretty much changed by the third month? Whose baby is this anyway?! We all have brown and hazel eyes!

Kevin continues to get TONS of smiles and laughs from her, and Dad too! Mom and me are so jealous! Hadley flirts like crazy with Kevin: she bats her eyelashes, peeps at him from the corner of her eyes.

And we've had several sleeping-through-the-night instances now! We've also had the wistful experience of packing away some of her newborn clothes. She's such a big girl now, just passed her 2-month birthday...and yet I still wish she had her little newborn-baby look sometimes.

Also, Hadley is a little behind the curve in holding up her head; she doesn't get much tummy-time play because she HATES it. She screams and screams!

Think that's enough of an update? I'll be back later with pictures from the aforementioned parties and visits, and evidence of The Evil Bow. You'll see what I mean later...

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